Wednesday 6 July 2011


Hello Lovelies!!!

So it's taken me a while to post this, firstly because I didn't have a picture of the cupcake and so I needed to buy a new one to show you what it looked like as presentation is very important with these cakes, and secondly because once I had taken the photo my computer was very annoying and wouldn't upload it from my phone. So it's taken me me a while but here it is.

Presentation: 4/5 (pretty good)
The presentation for this cupcake was pretty good, the dollop of molten chocolate was a nice touch and something I hadn't seen before, along with the white chocolate curls and the swirled frosting, it wasn't anything special but it does look yummy.

Frosting: 3/5 (around about average)
The frosting was nice, very light and mousse-y, and the taste was helped massively by the aforementioned molten chocolate as otherwise I think it would have tasted quite bland. The layer of frosting was pretty thick but it wasn't overpowering as it was a light consistency.

Cake: 2/5 ( disappointing/poor)
This is where the cake as a whole was seriously let down. Being a bakery I expected Greggs to produce a fairly good sponge but I was disappointed. It was dry and dull, but by far the weirdest thing was that it actually felt like a sponge, I reckon my mum could have used it to mop up the kitchen counter. I know you want sponge to be springy but there's a line that shouldn't be crossed. The dryness may have come from the fact that it was nearing the end of the day, but this isn't really a good enough excuse. The only thing that redeemed it was that the taste wasn't that bad. It wasn't the worst sponge I've ever eaten but it certainly wasn't the best.

Overall: 3/5 (it was okay...)
I would have been inclined to give this a higher mark if it weren't for the sponge which kind of ruined the whole thing for me. It wasn't a bad cupcake, it was just a bit disappointing.

The moral of the story ...
It's very easy to focus on the frosting as this is what really sets the cupcake a part from the muffin, but it is first and foremost a cake and so the sponge needs the most attention it can get.

You'll probably notice me get quite angry about sponge texture and taste as I feel it is too often wrongly neglected. I'd like to remind people that these are just my opinions and if you like Greggs cupcakes (I happen to like their doughnuts) then feel free too, I personally wont be re-purchasing.

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